One Republic Society of America
Lifestyle • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
A Nation of Freedom needs a Society of Patriots!! We must act worthy of yourselves, the responsibility that flows in the blood of We the People requires that we are resolved to stand firm against those who would destroy the freedoms we cherish. We must be determined to achieve an enduring peace—a peace with liberty and with honor. This determination, this resolve, is the highest form of patriotism and our greatest weapon.
Liberty or Death ????
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Oct 2022 Russia enlist 300k new troops.. March 2023 NATO accelerates deployment of 300k troop.. Now 300k troops ready for ground invasion of Gaza.. 3x closer to WW3 today..
Time to be ready as well as being prepared!!
USpatriot57 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Lavoy Films Ep. 1

Forward From..
Zoe Warren for SC

I am the editor and Assistant Director of this 3 part documentary series. This is Episode 1:

This is the story of what happened in the courts after ranchers in Oregon were entrapped by an FBI asset which led to Lavoy Finicum being shot at 6 times while unarmed and then shot in the back 3 times with his hands in the air. Please watch the preview it will blow your mind. Then share the link and watch the whole documentary.

Are You Paying Attention??

Look what's happening while we are distracted by the threat of World War III...
Just think about what they will do when they get Emergency War Powers!!

The Truth About Ukraine..

The corrupt government is lying again...
Truth about Ukraine!! Did this video just proved the corruption??


Reposting because of the amount of censorship it received on most platforms. My content might not be great but I'm not here for popularity. I promote preservation & defense to inform & unite every patriotic American.

South Carolina

History has proven our resolve to preserve our way of life and defend our great State. Once again South Carolina calls on it's Patriots to restore the very Freedom and Liberty that some many bleed for on this soil!!
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Aurora, Colorado

The Level Of Callous Ignorance Towards The American People Is Absolutely Treacherous...

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