One Republic Society of America
Lifestyle • Politics • Spirituality/Belief
A Nation of Freedom needs a Society of Patriots!! We must act worthy of yourselves, the responsibility that flows in the blood of We the People requires that we are resolved to stand firm against those who would destroy the freedoms we cherish. We must be determined to achieve an enduring peace—a peace with liberty and with honor. This determination, this resolve, is the highest form of patriotism and our greatest weapon.
Liberty or Death ????
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One Republic Society of America is an American Patriot Organization that was founded to help preserve our constitutional form of government and defend the rights, property, and lives of the American people from all foreign enemies and domestic threats. We are not racist or extremist, we are regular Americans from all walks of life that believe in many different things. But the common causes and beliefs that bring us together and make us the strongest are the ones that we all share as one Nation, as Americans and as Patriots. We have been brought together because many officials in our government and outside entities influencing our government are advocating the overthrow of our constitutional form of government, civil unrest, destruction of our property, and lawlessness, while accusing anyone that opposes them with those very same acts. Which by federal laws, are crimes against our country, violates their oath of office, and are crimes that you and I would spend a lifetime in prison for. They have chosen to ignore our voice, divide our country, cancel our culture, erase our history, and are attempting to control us with fear. These acts are only to further their own agenda, not to protect the people let alone any race or creed and are destroying the values, morals, and very foundation our nation was built upon which will eradicate any chance to improve upon our social society.
We will not stand idly by and be silent any longer. We will fight this at every level of government per the Constitution of the United States of America. We do not want blood shed and destruction but are willing and prepared to secure a state of freedom not to overthrow but to restore a government of the People by the people.
To do this, we need the support of the People and the government must know it. We will continue to petition the government for redress of grievances and on July 4th, 2021, we will present a declaration that will notify the government that they do not control the American people. Our nation was formed as a Constitutional Republic and was established for the People by the People. In 1776, the 13 American colonies declared independence from Great Britain, so they could be free of tyranny and control. Free men and women both stood against the most powerful Army in the world at that time to win freedom and liberty for the People. The sacrifices that were made, the blood that was shed, and the lives lost were not left in vain but protected within the Constitution. For 244 years our nation has stood for freedom and liberty around the world. We have sent our young and old to die in foreign countries to protect the blessings of liberty and the will of freedom. Now We the People face a threat to freedom and liberty from within our own government. Men and women that were elected to represent the people of the United States of America have become corrupted and empowered by greed and control. They have forgotten the people and only act to benefit themselves and foreign powers that wish to control the world.
Once again We the People face tyranny without representation that is now bolstered by today's technology and social advancements that have destroyed the morals and values that our nation was founded upon. We must remember our heritage and who We are!! We must not let them forget the blood that has been shed to keep our country free. We must declare independence once again and defend the lands we call home. It is the responsibility of the people to preserve the American way of life that is blessed with Liberty and to secure a state of freedom for future generations of Americans to come. Our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is protected under the Constitution of the United States of America and we have taken an oath to support and defend the same!!
Because of our dedicated members and support from Americans around the country, we continue to grow, improve, and strengthen.
You can help by Joining or Supporting the cause of freedom and liberty like many brave Americans before us. For more information go to our website list at the bottom or contact me on Telegram at….

One Republic
Society of America

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